Why Al-Amin Ethics Institute
The Need of the Hour
Through the Fadl of Allah, Muslims are blessed to hold high-ranking, influential positions in the various industries of corporate America, including Healthcare, Information Technology, Business and Law. The enormous potential that Muslims have in their respective fields is commendable to say the least. We, at Al-min Ethics Institute, want to tap into this potential and add value to the skill sets of these professionals.
How We Add Value
There is no doubt that ethics and moral behavior is the cornerstone of human success in any enterprise of any industry. There is no doubt also that greed has caused tremendous harm across all of corporate America. Greed leads to selfishness, nepotism, fraud, deceptive practices and other criminal activities that they beget. The enormity of fraud in just the legal and healthcare industries is proverbial.
At Al-Amin Ethics, we propose to introduce an Islamic ethics framework by repesenting the glorious Islamic civilizational values that we have inherited from our beloved prophet SallAllahu ‘alayhi wa Salaam.
In the eye of this malicious storm of moral, ethical and spiritual bankruptcy, Shaykh Mohammed Amin Kholwadia founded the Al-Amin Ethics Institute in Jumāda Al Awwal 1445 AH/December 2023. This visionary collaboration under the leadership of Shaykh Amin seeks to cultivate moral and ethical excellence (ʾIḥsān) among Muslim professionals from the disciplines of healthcare, law, and information technology.
Shaykh Amin is the founder of Darul Qasim College, a world-renowned institute of higher Islamic learning. He is a muftī, a master theologian and a polymath in the field of Islamic sciences. He has trained scholars and professionals to represent Islamic ethics in today’s context.
Shaykh Amin reminds Muslims of a Prophetic statement in which Rasūlullah ﷺ advises us:
The upper hand is better than the lower hand, (for) the upper hand is one that gives and the lower (hand) is one that takes. [Ṣaḥih Al-Bukhāri 1429, Ṣaḥih Muslim 1033]
The time has come for well-intentioned Muslim professionals to sincerely ask themselves a simple question: Are we among those who give (the upper hand) or are we among those who only take (the lower hand)? Are we even equipped with knowledge of what and how to “give”?
Under the guidance and direction of Shaykh Amin, the Al-Amin Ethics Institute will promote an usūli (principles-based) Islamic ethical framework. This is rooted in a traditional Sunnī Māturīdī foundation. This ethical framework will help Muslim professionals in appropriating moral and ethics complexities in their respective fields.
Once students at AEI realize the value of Islamic civilizational values, they will inculcate them in their own professions and help others do the same.
At Al-Amin Ethics, we approach this initiative at two levels – the macro and the micro.

At the macro level we write articles, position papers, books/manuals and host conferences in which we bring forth elements of a shared ethical framework and its underpinnings. These artifacts will be used to influence policy and regulation in various branches of industry and government.
At a micro-level, AEI will advance practical guidelines for professionals to actualize the idea of “do no harm, do no haram.” AEI prefers a vertical integration approach whereby all components of a specificized ethical framework are composed of and from AEI general principles. Said differenty, each cohort will shape professional codes of conduct to represent the Islamic civilizational value of adab (decency, morals & manners) and first principles that can be applied to governing policies of American professional organizations.

An ʿālim is someone who knows how revelation relates to reality, providing guidance not only for worship, but for all aspects of life and society.
An Open Invitation
Al-Amin Ethics Institute seeks to establish a universal platform for Muslim professionals to benefit directly from the ʿĀlim in bringing forward the timeless wisdom of Al-Amīn (a known title of the Prophet Muḥammad ﷺ) through the legacy of his noble Ṣaḥābah (may Allah be pleased with all of them).
Read Shaykh Amin’s paper titled Who Is An Ãlim?
Al-Amin Ethics Institute invites all Muslim seekers of more knowledge to join us in learning from esteemed ʿulamāʾ at Darul Qasim about how to replace complacency with actions that reflect Allah’s attribute of Al-Karīm (most generous, most noble); how to replace dishonesty and lack of integrity with Rasūlullah’s ﷺ attributes of Al-Sādiq Al-Amīn (the truthful, the trustworthy); how to address the many forms of ẓulumāẗ (injustice and darknesses) with ʿadl (justice) and nūr; and how to reform material selfishness with īṯhār (altruism) through iṣlāḥ (reform) and tazkiyah (self-purification) of the nafs (inner-self/soul). With Allah’s faḍal (grace) and through our sincere and collective efforts, we intend to holistically represent and manifest the strength of the upper, giving hand to benefit all creation.